Opening concert- Vox Angelorum

03.12.17 20:00 Swedish St. Mikael church, Tallinn. Series CHURCH HOLIDAYS in the LAND of MARY 2017

Christmas music festival: "Church Holidays in the Land of Mary" 2017

3rd of December 2017 - 6th of January 2018


Miraculous Christmas time filled with beautiful music in churches and music lounges all over Estonia!

Estonian Republic 100, Reformation 500, EFFE Label 2017-2018 by European Festivals Association


OPENING CONCERT. First week of Advent

3rd of December 2017 at 20.00 in Swedish St. Michael's church, Tallinn

"Vox Angelorum"

PERFORMERS: Arete Teemets (soprano, Estonia), Ingmar Simson-Valtin (violin, Sweden), Ines Maidre-Aarvik (organ, Norway)

PROGRAM: A concert with a poetic title "Vox Angelorum" is dedicated to angels. Violin as the most angelic instrument and soprano as the most divine human voice add unearthly feeling to the organ sounds. Through these three modalities composers have tried to express the voice of angels the most often. In these concerts our mediums are soprano Arete Teemets, violinist Ingmar Simson-Valtin and organist Ines Maidre-Aarvik. Besides canorous sounds the program includes some unusual visions of angels. For example, the audience will hear the tango-motifed "Milonga del Angel" by Astor Piazzolla, the charmingly elegant "La Valse des Anges" by Frenchman Julien Bret and an ornitological opus by composer Olivier Messiaen, where angels are portrayed as birdlike tweeting creatures.


More information:


TICKETS: 12 € / 10 € *

SUPPORTER TICKETS: 25 €, 35 €, 50 € are a great help in the organizing of the festival, guarantees great gratitude and the best seat at the concert                                       

in Piletilevi and Cirkle K and an hour before the concert beginning at the concert venue, if available

*Discount price for tickets: retired people, pupils, students, teachers, disabled people with escort, members of Association of Estonian Professional Musicians


JMF 17- videoklipp
Arete Teemets. Foto: Gert Kelu
Ines Maidre-Aarvik. Foto: erakogu
Ingmar Simson-Valtin. Foto: erakogu
Euroopa Festivalide Assotsiatsiooni kvaliteedimärk “EFFE Label 2017-2018” jõulumuusika festivalile “Kirikupühad Maarjamaal”
Corelli Music Raua 37, 10124 Tallinn, Estonia tel/fax +372 648 5535 info at corelli dot ee                   

© Corelli Music 2004 

