Father’s Day Concert

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10.11.12 17:00 Saka manor (Lüganuse parich). Series Romantic Manors

Father's Day concert in a beautyful manor


Woodwind Quintet Estica


Anna Kelder (flute),

Heli Ernits (oboe),

Helena Tuuling (clarinet),

Kadri-Ann Nuut (bassoon),

Meelika Mikson (french horn).


Five young ladies with classical wind instruments are like continuators of the 50-year-long operation of the legendary Jaan Tamm Woodwind Quintet and offer an amazing music experience in beautyful ball room in Saka manor to all fathers and grandfathers!

Woodwind Quintet Estica involves Estonian young wind players who have improved their musical skills mostly abroad. The quintet's repertoire focuses on music by Estonian composers. Jaan Tamm Woodwind Quintet, one of the legendary Estonian ensembles, inspired many composers to write new music for woodwinds. Woodwind Quintet Estica´s main goal is to continue the tradition of woodwind quintet in Estonia and to introduce this music to wider public. "We wish to do so with sense of mission, yet with youthfulness and femininity."

Estica had concerts in Tartu, Pärnu & Tallinn, March 2012, dedicated to 70th anniversary of Jaan Tamm Woodwind Quintet. The concert program contained works of Estonian composers Arvo Pärt, Mati Kuulberg, Cyrillus Kreek, Kuldar Sink and Villem Kapp.


10 € / 8 €* in Piletilevi and Statoil and

12 € / 10 €*  before the concert at the concert venue, if possible

*Discount price for tickets: retired people, pupils, students, teachers, disabled people with escort, members of Association of Estonian Professional Musicians

NB! For all owners of American Express credit card, -10% discount of full ticket price at Piletilevi


Check the Piletilevi offices

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Isadepäevakontsert- videoklipp
Puhkpillikvintett Estica. Foto Mait Jüriado
Saka mõis. Foto: Saka Mõisa arhiiv
Saka mõisa üldvaade. Foto: Saka mõisa arhiiv
Corelli Music Raua 37, 10124 Tallinn, Estonia tel/fax +372 648 5535 info at corelli dot ee                   

© Corelli Music 2004 

