Estonian manors 2011- Rakvere

More info
29.07.11 18:00 Rakvere manor, Rakvere parich. Series Estonian Manors 2011



History, music, architecture, romantic old manors, beautiful nature, reveille for the Maecenas' movement for welfare of our children.


Baroque ensamble CORELLI CONSORT on period instruments:

Mail Sildos and Meelis Orgse (violin), Tõnu Jõesaar (cello ja viola da gamba), Lembit Orgse (piano, harpsicord, clavichord ).

Manor history by JÜRI KUUSKEMAA




Sonatas and trio sonatas by Baroque composers, music for 3 violins and different clavier (piano, harpsichord, clavichord ).


The general idea characterizing this series of concerts is to create a most suitable historical atmosphere in ancient premises by the usage of musical means. During the concert audience will hear lots of sparkling baroque music on authentic period instruments performed by Estonian professional musicians. And also an overview from a distinguished art historian Jüri Kuuskemaa about the history of every particular manorial estate, its architectural value and dignified families who once have lived there. Since 1999 the project has introduced already 50 different manorial estates already.


Estonian Manors is also a long-term charity project carried out with the aim to support our little schools and orphanages situated in manors. In the year 2011 everybody is welcome to support the Vääna manor-school near Tallinn, where local primary school and a kindergarten have been situated nearly for a century already. With the sum gathered from special endowments and from the whole income of the final concert on July 31 Estonian Manors 2011 is supporting to start with a foundation for buying different Orff musical instruments, helping to offer these children a life that is more and more worth living. We hope to add our contribution to the funds helping dreams to come into real life!


Prices: 15 / 10 


TICKETS from Piletilevi, Statoil and an hour before the concert beginning at the concert venue, if possible

Check the Piletilevi offices
Buy a ticket in internert

Special price: students, pensioners, disabled people and their companions, music teachers, members of the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians
Eesti mõisad 2011- videoklipp
Eesti mõisad 2011
Corelli Consort Foto: Corelli Music
Jüri Kuuskema Foto: Peeter Langovits
Rakvere mõis rahvamajana 1929. Virumaa Muuseumide fotokogu
Rakvere mõis Foto:
Corelli Music Raua 37, 10124 Tallinn, Estonia tel/fax +372 648 5535 info at corelli dot ee                   

© Corelli Music 2004 

