Corelli Consort 20!

27.06.12 19:00 House of the Black Heads, Tallinn. Series Other Concerts

JUBILEE CONCERT - Corelli Consort 20!



Jubilarian CORELLI CONSORT (on the baroque instruments)

Soloists: Hele-Mall Leego - Lieschen (soprano),  Tiit Kogerman - Narrator (tenor), Uku Joller- Schlendrian (basso)


Corelli Consort, the most famous baroque ensemble of Estonia, celebrates its birthday. The jubilee concert at the House of the Black Heads offers beautiful music by Corelli, Purcell, etc, the masters of baroque, and the evening ends with a real dessert – COFFEE CANTATA by J.S. Bach, a humorous history of drinking coffee. Enjoy the style and elegance of the past!



12 € / 8 €* in Piletilevi and Statoil and an hour before the concert beginning at the concert venue, if possible

*Discount price for tickets: retired people, pupils, students, teachers, disabled people with escort, members of Association of Estonian Professional Musicians

NB! For all owners of American Express credit card, -10% discount of full ticket price at Piletilevi


Check the Piletilevi offices
Buy a ticket in internert

Juubelikontsert- videoklipp
Corelli Consort Foto: Corelli Music / Harri Rospu
Mustpeade maja. Foto:
Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845) Les Amateurs de Café from Recueil de Grimaces, Paris: 1827
Corelli Music Raua 37, 10124 Tallinn, Estonia tel/fax +372 648 5535 info at corelli dot ee                   

© Corelli Music 2004 

