The Towers of Tallinn 2012 - Radisson Blu Hotel Tallinn, Lounge 24

24.08.12 16:00 Radisson Blu Hotel, Tallinn (Rävala Av 3). Series Festival TOWERS OF TALLINN 2012


23-25 August 2012, Tallinn

Towers of Tallinn and brilliant musicians!


Festival Towers of Tallinn brings together the history of Tallinn and contemporary oeuvre, introducing the city's famous silhouette inside out through different eras of music. Medieval towers of the city wall, churches, modern skyscrapers - in accordance to the era of the tower, the whole Tallinn all the way to the sea will be filled with music, from the Middle Ages and Baroque to folksy melodies, jazz and contemporary music. This means exciting events through three days, concerts with style end elegance, beautiful music, musical walks, summer sunsets and fascinating views on both the City of Tallinn and far across the sea - joy from attending for everyone! In August 2012, Towers of Tallinn, which discovers the city through music, will have the second edition. Last year, the festival Towers of Tallinn was chosen as one of the highlights of August in the program of the Tallinn 2011 - European Capital of Culture and was really successful among the audience.


Radisson Blu Hotel Tallinn, Lounge 24 at the roof floor (Rävala Av 3)   

Classical clarinet quartets and stunning view of the city!


PERFORMERS: Toomas Vavilov (clarinet), Arvo Leibur (violin), Toomas Nestor (viola), Aare Tammesalu (cello)

PROGRAMME: Clarinette Omnitonique (Müller, Cirri, Crusell)

*Iwan Müller. Klarnetikvartett nr 1 B-duur

*Giovanni Battista Cirri. Duo viiulile ja tšellole op 12 G-duur

*Bernhard Crusell. Klarnetikvartett nr 1 Es-duur

In co-operation with Radisson Blu Hotel, Tallinn

FREE ENTRANCE, pre-registration required*




Please send your wish to attend at rsvp at corelli dot ee.

Your registration will be confirmed.

Attention! Space is limited to all the pre-registered concerts!


At all concerts, there is a possibility to support the festival by buying Towers of Tallinn booklet at the cost of 3 .

Tallinna Tornid - videoklipp
Toomas Vavilov. Foto: Kaupo Kikkas
Corelli Music Raua 37, 10124 Tallinn, Estonia tel/fax +372 648 5535 info at corelli dot ee                   

© Corelli Music 2004 

